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Frequencies and Bands


Our stations will be at "the usual" DX frequencies, listening up, but in some cases, down, for certain parts of the world's band plan.  It is absolutely necessary to listen to the instructions of the DXpedition operator.  We will be listening in the U.S. General/Advanced bands periodically.


Band modes will be somewhat limited in an all-out effort to work the bands down to the last station for this opportunity.  We plan to be on all bands 10 though 160.   At least one station will be on 20 meters, 24 hours/day.  Operator will atleast be operating alternately on CW & SSB.  At least one station will always be on RTTY, and we will operate RTTY on no more than three bands. We will operate on JT-65 on one or two bands as time and propagation allows.


BANDS: 160m-10m, may include WARC bands



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